Silent Prayer

(for busy people)

Sign up below for the free masterclass,

prayer journal pages,

or BOTH!


Silent prayer is a beautiful and transformative way to encounter God.

But what if your life is filled with a busy schedule, noise and distraction?

This masterclass teaches you how to

  • confidently eliminate distractions and interruptions so that you can stay focused and intentional on meeting God
  • hear God clearly in the various ways He speaks (and understand the fears, lies, and wounds that can prevent us from hearing Him)
  • 2 practical steps to guide you to gently pray through God's words and revelations alongside Him
  • 5+ digital or printable journal pages to help you turn your stale time into a fruitful prayer

Silent prayer is easier than you think!

I'll also walk you through the simple 7-step silent prayer daily routine that will guide you to fully receive God's love.

Sign up below!

Silent Prayer for Busy People


    LOVELY prayer journal pages to inspire a
    fruitful time with God

      Helping moms thrive

      so they can raise wholesome, faith-filled, can-do kids.

      Let's keep in touch!

      Thriving Motherhood

      Stand Up Parenting

      Reach Out Inspiration
